Schreiber GmbH
Franz-Claas-Str. 12
33428 Harsewinkel
Telephone: +49 5247 98588-0
Telefax: + 49 5247 98588-19
E-Mail: info ät kaercher - schreiber . de
Value added tax identification number: DE286538969
Registered office: Harsewinkel
Legal form of company: Company with limited liability
Registration office: Gütersloh, HRB 9298
Managing directors: Arne Schreiber, Jannis Schreiber
Legal disclaimer
Our offer contains links to third parties, which contain contents, on which have no influence. Only the operator of each external site can be held responsible for the content. We accept no liability for links to websites outside of our area if responsibility and dissociate ourselves from any right-wing or illegal contributions
We are committed to respect the copyright on all sides and only use copyright-free or own graphics and texts. If, contrary to expectations, copyright protected items are on one of our pages , this is unintentional and the copyright could not be found. Such elements are removed immediately after notification of the copyright holder. The copyrights of all texts, graphics and programs are with the respective manufacturers or at Kärcher Store Schreiber. Copying or other use of text, images, etc. from this site is prohibited.
This declaration applies to all of the following websites.